English abstract    § 1.1    § 1.2    §1.3    § 1.4    § 2.1    § 2.2    §2.3   §2.4    § 3.1    § 3.2    § 3.3    § 3.4    § 4.1    § 4.2    § 4.3    § 4.4    Reference    Template    pdf abstract 


§ 3.4 polymorphs in the family A2BX4 with -K2SO4.

  It follows from our data, the compounds Rb2ZnBr4 (see § 4.1), Cs2ZnJ4, K2ZnBr4 [125] and, presumably, (NH4)2ZnJ4 and Rb4ZnJ4 and others may crystallize or relax to more stable crystal structure, described by the space group P21/m (type structure Sr2GeS4). Consequently, the structure type β-K2SO4 in these compounds are metastable. As you know, many of the compounds A2BX4 also crystallize into structures in space group Pnma or P21/m, and   few of them reliably or supposedly presented simultaneously these two structural modifications [86]. In Table 3.2, the compositions are A2BX4 in which: 1) the only observed structure Pnma; 2) was observed structure Pnma and P21/m P2/m; 3) was observed only structure P21/m.

  My can assume that marked us polymorphic transition α-A2BX4  β-A2BX4) is characteristic for the various compounds and can be implemented   for other compounds shown in Table A2BX4. However, significantly different relaxation times of the structure to the structure and observed us for Rb2ZnBr4 (weeks), and for K2ZnBr4, Cs2ZnJ4 (several minutes), indicate that polymorphic transition may be unrealized in normal conditions. However, we know of no data on detailed studies of the conditions of the transition between these modifications, although these effects were observed and studied in other crystalline objects, and in particular in disordered polymers and molecular crystals with cis-trans isomeric  structure chains [43].

According to our research and NMR data on the measurement of the heat capacity [77] in all the compounds A2BX4 grown from aqueous solutions or have been in contact with the atmosphere is always a small amount (less than 2%) loosely bound water. On this basis, we can assume that the transition β-α is carried by surface orientational ordering of β-α structure in the dipoles of water molecules. Comparison of the spin relaxation times for the α and β structures indicates that dynamically disordered metastable β structure converted into a more structurally ordered dynamically stable structure.   The possible existence of crystal structures with varying degrees of dynamic stability is predicted by mathematical methods of stability theory for systems with interaction ANNN      [104, 130].

   As follows from these studies in some symmetrical classes of such systems are possible bifurcation from stable solutions with conditional period of the structure N-1 to dynamically meta-stable   метаустойчивымstates with N = 1,2,3,4 followed by higher order bifurcations to large periods and increasing the degree of instability. How shown in [104] cases N=3 and N=4 and N=2 at some parameters of interatomic interactions are special, because realized only through the bifurcation реализуются some dynamically unstable solutions with N=1 (which we can compare the structure Rnma). In the vicinity of a line bifurcation with different solutions in different periods are mixed and separated by raising away from this line.

This approach can, to some extent justify the presence of a dynamically more stable modifications under consideration for compounds which space group P21/m has no common subgroup communication with the space group Pnma. Type β-K2ZO4


Table 3.2.





Pnma, P21/m





K2ZnBr4 [125]




Rb2ZnBr4 [125]




Cs2CdJ4 [125]








Rb2ZnJ4 [125,132]





T12СоJ4 [l32]



K2CoBr4 [134]












Cs2HgJ4 [133]









Chapter 4. Sequence of phase transitions in Rb2ZnBr4 at atmospheric and high hydrostatic pressure.

 In this chapter we present the results of studies of phase transitions in Rb2ZnBr4 NQR 79Br, 81Br at atmospheric and under high hydrostatic pressure. External exposure is the factor that allows you to get a fundamentally new information about the sequence of phase transitions, in addition to clarify the issues in the form of the NQR lines incommensurate phases.



 English abstract    § 1.1    § 1.2    §1.3    § 1.4    § 2.1    § 2.2    §2.3   §2.4    § 3.1    § 3.2    § 3.3    § 3.4    § 4.1    § 4.2    § 4.3    § 4.4    Reference    Template    pdf abstract 

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